SPOTLIGHT ON…Transition Towns

By Jakob Kaye. With the ever-increasing concerns about sustainability and the global demand for fossil fuels such as oil to keep our cars, industries, and lifestyles going, there is a fantastic way to take action within your community; the Transition Town Initiative’.

transition towns311 SPOTLIGHT ON...Transition Towns

Whether you live in a rural or urban community, the TT (Transition Town) network provides guidelines for becoming resilient to the pressures of climate-change, peak-oil and food shortage whilst vastly enhancing your local community to thrive not just survive.
With over 300 TTs operating world-wide this social experiment is quickly becoming a powerful movement. Recent examples of activities which have been occurring in the USA include setting up community gardens, events focusing on ‘resilience from the ground up’ and rambling the countryside with the view to increasing awareness of local species.

There are many funding options available to TT communities to help support the concepts and initiatives, all of which can be found with information about how to join your local network or even kick start your own at
Especially to readers who worry about the predictions that government initiatives will be ‘too little too late’, this is the network to join, not only does it enable individuals to lead a much healthier lifestyle but empowers us all to make real changes to our local communities.